Sunday, August 2, 2009

Ownership in 2 ways

Ownership comes in 2 ways

1.When an opportunity is given to a person and when he is ready to take the ownership
2.Voluteer by any person to take up new initative

In either case , from the moment the task comes in to some ones hand, there is an enourmous amount of expectation set. The success of the ownership is when, the expectatins are either met or is exceeded.

The completion of the task is directly propotional to the genuine interest of the person driving it as well as on his capability to drive it. So it is extremely important that the ownership is given to the right person. Else it might bring a slow result or some times no result. The good thing is that there is always some thing for every one. It is at this point that the Managers should step in. They should identify the right task and and facilitate the reportee to accomplish the same.For this to happen active discussions should happen in the teams.

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