Some people naturally have lot of urge to prove things.
If they dont get the oportunity in their area of expertise/interest, they feel left out in the race and to catch up with the race they try to do things differently.
With no surprise, things which are done differently in such circustances gets noticed differently in most occasions with frawn forehead.Any thing notified away from the normal ways of doing things will get described based on convenience and intentions.
This makes situation all the more worse.
Any pointing fingures/question to the person on these lines will make them even more dejected and they lose their natural rhythm.
Finally though they have capability , they lose the race.
When they lose the race, some one other than them also loses a bit -- The organization.
Motivation - Empowerment - Facilitation - Recognition - Feedback. Let this be tried out across the board. High Productivity is guarnteed.
For Managers a 5 mins listening to the team can save 50 mins resolving thouse issues which would have never occured othervise.
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